b'I D A H O N A T I O N A L L A B O R A T O R Y F Y 2 0 2 0 L A B O V E R V I E WSECURE AND RESILIENT CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMST he cyber-physical systems integral to U.S. civilian and defense infrastructure depend upon transformational technological advancements that protect against the sophisticated capabilities of a global array of cyberattackers. To secure these systems, solutions must holistically integrate traditional information assurance methods with the controllability, reliability, and safety of physical process effects, as well as manage the interdependencies and resilience of complex, engineered systems. Through the secure and resilient cyber-physical systems S&T initiative, INL develops new cyber-informed engineering methods and INL cyber researchers and control systems engineers collaborate to provide a multidisciplinary approach to cyber technologies for automated controls that arevulnerability assessmentsvalidated systematically at scale. INLs holistic approach, which incorporates technology,and operation of demonstration pilotand classified cyber-physical systems and people, and processes, addresses the nationsplants to validate engineering principles atthe inherent embedded control systems most critical control systems cybersecurityindustry scale, and integration of complexintegrated into power, communications, and challenges to secure and defend vital U.S.systems and facilities into interdependentdefense systems. INLs efforts to advance cyber-physical systems. infrastructures. By blending the resultingsecure and resilient cyber-physical systems INLs background in nuclear energy RD&Dscientific and operations expertise andcenter on three areas: provides robust expertise in the evolution ofcapabilities, INL is uniquely capable1.cyber-informed science and engineering, sensors and controls in critical systems. Thisof interdisciplinary threat analysis and2.all-hazard critical infrastructure, and expertise extends to the design of real-worldconsequence-based risk prioritization to3.enduring control systems experiments to verify models, constructionenable groundbreaking RD&D of unclassifiedcybersecurity innovation.DOE funded Enhanced Mitigations to Attacks on Power Systems test on transformer on the INLs Critical Infrastructure Test Range Complex14'